THE GAMBIAN-SENEGAMBIANS CULTURAL WEEK UK 2011This event is planned to start at 5:00 pm on Jul 21, 2011 at THE COLISEUM SUITE ILFORD 300-310 High Road IG1 1QW.
Gambia News; Living in Gambia, Holiday in Gambia, Buying in Gambia, Business in Gambia and West Africa News
Foreign Secretary celebrates 50 years of Amnesty International
28 May 2011 is the 50th Anniversary of the founding of human rights organisation Amnesty International.To mark the occasion, the Foreign Secretary, William Hague said:
"For 50 years, Amnesty International has been amplifying the voices of individuals who might otherwise struggle to be heard. I congratulate Amnesty and its members on their achievements over years of tireless campaigning. Their work to protect and promote human rights, often at risk to themselves, has resulted in many lives saved and prisoners of conscience released.
"As we have seen with recent events in the Middle East and North Africa, the role of Amnesty International and other civil society organisations remains important in today’s world. I wish Amnesty continued success in the future."
Further information
Follow on Twitter: @FCOHumanRights
Read and comment on Human Rights and Democracy: The 2010 Foreign & Commonwealth Report
Mauritian President Visits Banjul
Muhammad Oul Abdullah came to power in 2009 after he toppled the former Government in Mauritania. This is his first official visit to The Gambia. He told reporters that his visit will center on bilateral cooperation in the areas of security, peace, culture, trade, education, foreign matters as well as regional integration and other important sectors.
He thanked The Gambian leader for extending an invitation to him to visit The Gambia. He noted that President Jammeh has been very instrumental in the promotion of peace and stability in the region.
President Abdullah is expected to visit major key project sites in the county including fisheries projects, the University Complex in Fraba and other sites before wrapping up his visit.
The Gambian leader dwelt on the good relationship between the two nations saying that he will continue to promote unity and stability within the continent.
Gambia 2 bed villa for Sale : Gambia Villa For Sale
Gambia 2 Bedroom Villa For Sale - Brufut £30,000 Property Reference: Propertyshop Brufut 17 Status: For Sale
Well presented modern 2 bedroom house situated on community complex housing 5 bungalows. Comprising of modern kitchen, dining room, lounge and 2 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms plus guest bathroom. Private garden and patio terrace. With 24 hour security, communal swimming pool for a reasonable annual service charge of £600 per year. Water is included within this service charge, as is pool maintenance & cleaning plus gardening. Electric is connected to national supplier.
Agricultural Investments in Gambia
Agricultural Investments in Gambia
The agricultural sub-sector is becoming a major economic activity in the Gambia due to its vast export market opportunities and conditions favoring its production in the country. There are a number of farms in this area with an average weekly export for 11 selected farms estimated at 120 tons of fruits and vegetables.
Land can be obtained from traditional land owners through the Government.
The process of land allocation for agriculture involves obtaining clearance from Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources before final approval is given by Ministry of Local Government and Lands.
Click here for more business investment opportunities in West Africa
Gambia import export, Gambia import export company, Gambian import export agents
Starting an Import Export Company in The Gambia: West Africa Import Export
Businesses enter the field of exporting for many and varied reasons, not the least of which might be to extend the market for a product that has proved popular on a domestic level. If the product or service is applicable to a wider market and it has been tested in your own country, chances are exporting it will prove similarly profitable. Not so good a marketing strategy however, is the decision to export something because it has not proved popular in the domestic marketplace.
Import Export Wholesale Business Starting Up
Some businesses begin with export marketing included in their corporate plan; others slip gradually into exporting, perhaps having been approached by an overseas buyer with whom a profitable business relationship emerges, and it subsequently becomes clear that other exporting avenues might also prove profitable. The most likely first venues for marketing abroad might well be those arising from unsolicited enquiries from potential foreign customers, and information obtained from trade publications, newspapers and specialist export publications.
Exports can obviously increase markets for one's goods many times over, but for the newcomer exporting can also present numerous complications and learning difficulties. Though the temptation might exist, the newcomer is usually advised to gradually enter the export field, perhaps starting with one overseas market and gradually increasing the range of destinations in which one's products and services are offered.
The all-important initial market research to assess the suitability of your product or service to overseas markets, is one that might well be aided by a visit to a trade show in the country of intended export.
There the exporter can speak to foreign and international business men and women and obtain copies of relevant trade publications.The exporter might well find the product requires some modification to suit overseas markets, and that an import licence is required before certain products will be allowed into some countries. All can be discussed with export information and advisory bodies on the entrepreneur's return to Britain. Amongst the more useful sources of information and advice for newcomers and established exporters are Chambers of Commerce, most of the largest of which are able to provide group selling facilities, fact finding services, organised trips abroad, payments & shipping advice, import export documentation advice, and so on.
It is advisable to join one of the larger Chambers of Commerce, such as those in London and Birmingham, as opposed to Chambers of Trade which though generally available in all main towns, are usually composed of retailers with no experience or interest in exporting. Many Chambers of Commerce hold regular meetings at which members can benefit from the experience and advice of fellow members and longer-established exporters. Additionally, many Chambers hold regular seminars on matters related to exporting, some aimed at relative beginners and therefore offering a more than useful insight into the ins and outs of this particular marketing method.
All of the major banks offer free literature and guidance to intending and established exporters, and many have specialist advisers available to answer whatever questions you might have in your beginning days as an exporter, as well as problems you might encounter as you begin venturing into new and untested markets.
Who Exports?
Though the benefits of exporting can apply to companies large and small, it is generally accepted that no small company should consider exporting until the company is well established in the domestic sector, or at least until one of the proprietors has sufficient knowledge and experience of exporting to make a concerted effort in overseas markets.
What to Export?
Selling abroad bears very little difference to selling in the UK; a need must be identified and a service or product introduced to fill that need. Few restrictions are placed on what can and can not be exported from Britain, other of course than defence supplies to certain countries, and restrictions on livestock and agricultural products. Where uncertain as to whether or not restrictions might be placed on particular products or services, the entrepreneur will obtain excellent advice from:
What restrictions and limitations the exporter is likely to encountering are more likely to be placed by that country into which one seeks entry for whatever products and services are concerned. Developing countries might place restrictions designedto protect their own growing industries. Import controls might reveal themselves in quotas, customs tariffs or complicated technical and documentation requirements. Information and advice on technical requirements might be available from:
If you are new to importing and exporting, we can provide import & export consulting services that will guide you through the entire process from start to finish.
First time importers to the Gambia and exporters from the Gambia can be easily overwhelmed by the vast number of requirements and the fragmented sources of information.
We will consult on every aspect of importing and exporting including supplier selection, contract negotiation, favourable shipping terms, carrier and route selection, EU & US Customs clearance, warehousing, sales and distribution, as well as any other area of concern for your company.
The international trade and logistics industry may appear daunting to new importers and exporters, many being discouraged and giving up before their business has even began. With us as your West African trading partner based in The Gambia, you will have a access to the latest business research and information and a wide range of import export and distribution services to assist in moving your goods around West Africa and beyond.
Exports to West Africa : Exporting to The Gambia, Re-exports to West Africa
Exports to West Africa : Re- Exports & Exports to The Gambia, West Africa
Most newcomers to exporting opt for the relative ease of supplying to English-speaking countries of the old Commonwealth and North America. In many cases British traditions and customs are still very much in evidence and the fact that many British banks and financial institutions have branches in these locations can greatly ease the assimilation process.
West Africa, with a potential market of over 270 million consumers, offers real business opportunities for those exporting companies looking for new and emerging markets. Owing to its strtegic location on the Atlantic trade and shipping routes between Africa and Europe, the USA, Central and Latin America and the Far East, The Gambia has become the port of choice for the importation, re-exportation and distribution of products, goods and services to the whole of West Africa..
The Gambia features as a launch pad for export and re export trade with neighbouring West African countries Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and Mauritania. and also further afield to import and export to English speaking Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia and to French speaking Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger,and Togo and Portuguerse speaking Cape Verde,
Within West African countries, Banjul Port in The Gambia is unrivalled, turning around vessels much faster than the regional competition and continuously being upgraded and modernised to meet the needs of a growing import export trade sector anticipated in the Gambia Trade Gateway Project (TGP).
Third World and developing countries present particular problems when it comes to importing and exporting. Import export payment facilities and procedures are rarely uncomplicated and locating and managing suitable sales and distribution channels in West Africa can prove difficult, time-consuming and costly
We have become specialists in imports and exports to and within West Africa in recent years, We can offer you advice on all aspects of shipping and trading in the emerging West African markets and look forward to discussing how we can work with you you from The Gambia,
Do you have any questions about our imprting, exporting, shipping and distribution services to and from The Gambia? Then please contact us directly
Legal and Civil Infrastructure in The Gambia
Legal and Civil Infrastructure in The Gambia
Propety ownership is an integral part of the Gambian constitution. Land and property law in the Gambia is based on the British legal system and subject to the strict and unequivocal terms which goven it. This ensures that your property investment is absolutely secure. All matters are dealt with in English and many Gambian lawyers have qualified and practiced in the UK itself. As with all administrative systems minor inefficiences may exist within Gambian bureaucracy but fees paid to accredited Gambian lawyers will often speed up the conveyancing process and dispell any uncertainities regarding sharp practice, bribery or taxation issues.
As mentioned above all utilities rates and taxes are locally and centrally fixed and controlled by national companies and government bodies.
Do you have any questions about our business development, investment or company start up services in The Gambia? Then please contact us directly
Gambia business investments, fishing, tourism, manufacturing, horticultural investments
As a holiday destination the Gambia has always provided guarnteed winter sunshine. It is well served by cheap chartered flights from the UK, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway all seeking winter sun and relief from Northern winter climes.
It is a four hour drive to Dakar International Airport, in neighbouring Senegal which is the international air hub for this region of West Africa. Direct flights from here exist to Paris, New York, Torronto, Rio, Dubai, the Middle East, South East Asia and major African destinations such Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria.The Gambia is now considered a world class tourist destination. Forty years ago there were just two hotels in the Gambia. Now there are several hundred offering a range from a few pounds to five hundred pounds a night. Saudi Arabian money is funding the building of further five star luxury hotel developments along the coast.
There is a thriving, expanding European ex-pat community which now enjoys the low cost and high standard of living here. This ex-pat community creates a market for good quality rental accommodation. This in turn is driving the investment market to meet the rapidly increasing demand.
Gambia business investments, fishing, tourism, manufacturing, horticultural investments
Business Investment in The Gambia: Commercial Investment in West Africa
A thriving economy founded on a successful private sector is linchpin to The Gambia's governance orientation. It appreciates that a government's only measure of credibility lies in its ability to translate the numeric of economic statistics into food on the peoples' tables, roofs on their heads and security in their minds, all these while guaranteeing a critical level of development commensurate with whatever is internationally apace.
With a population of 1.3 million and ticking, The Gambia operates a multiparty, parliamentary democracy committed to the rule of law and a liberal, free market economy. Gaining independence from 200 years of British colonial rule in 1965, it moved to become a republic 5 years later and has since remained a beacon of political stability, transparency and accountability.
Inheriting an economy with a natural resource base of about nil, the foundations of which was built around taxes and tariffs, The Gambian government quickly realised that the only way to achieve meaningful development and augment the country's tiny resource base would be through enhanced private sector development. It would also demand substantial foreign capital injection and the accompanying technological expertise as well as a well-developed human resource base and access into the international market.
The Gambia has vigorously pursued a socio-economic policy committed to free enterprise and private sector development. The nerve of which is the inauguration of "The Gambia incorporated… Vision 2020" initiative, a policy document representing the blueprint designed to guide the country's progress into its envisioned future.
Encapsulated in it is the will and aspiration of the people and government of The Gambia to transform the country into a "financial centre, a tourist paradise, a trading, export-oriented agricultural and manufacturing nation, thriving on free market policies and a vibrant private sector. Sustained by a well-educated, trained, skill, healthy, self reliant and enterprising population.
West Africa import export, West Africa import export company, import export trade leads, buyers, sellers, suppliers
Investing in The Gambia, West Africa
The Gambia is an investment haven. This potential and promise is predicated upon sound and consistent macroeconomic polices, constitutional guarantees against expropriation of investment and for protection of investment
The Gambia has an investment policy, which is premised on six important pillars/premises. These pillars essentially include:
Liberal, free market economic environment together with appropriate political and social policy and programme framework;
Adherence to the principles of democratic governance, constitutional guarantee of rights to freedom and liberty, welfare, property ownership and protection. In this regard, the country is constitutionally obliged to encourage, promote and protect beneficial investment as the enabler of socioeconomic change and progress.
Full integration into the wider global economy through her membership of and adherence to charters and principles of Economic Community of West African States, Organisation of African Unity, World Trade Organisation, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), African Development Bank, The World Bank Group, ACP-EU Convention, Islamic Development Bank and a host of bilateral trade agreements among others. These testify to the national resolve at participation and integration in the global economy.
Articulation of policies and strategies to make The Gambia a trade and investment gateway to the Western Africa sub-regional and the larger African regional market. The uniqueness of the country's location on the Atlantic coast of West Africa, proximity to European and North American markets, a highly efficient port system, state-of-the-art telecommunication infrastructure, high water table and ideal climate for horticulture, unrivalled rich climate and sea resource for tourism and sea resource exploitation amongst a host of other qualities, have placed the Gambia at a comparatively advantageous position to become the sub-regional hegemony in trade and services;
Conducive legal and institutional framework with labour laws that support and encourage collective bargaining in line with the stipulation of the Labour Act;
A national resolve and commitment to transform The Gambia into a middle income country by the year 2020