The Gambia Scorpions VS The Burkina Faso Stallions

Wrestling is the traditional national sport of The Gambia; however football (soccer) is clearly the most popular sport in The Gambia today. Gambians also enjoy cricket, golf, sailing, sport fishing, and surfing. Almost every school and village in The Gambia has a football pitch, and on most side streets you can find youths participating in an impromptu football game. On October 8th some friends came over to my house and we got ready to walk over to International Stadium (just two blocks from my house) for a game between the national football teams of The Gambia and Burkina Faso. The game was a qualifying match that was to determine whether The Gambia Scorpions would make it to The Africa Cup of Nations. Well the game was a draw with a final score of 1-1, so The Scorpions did not make it but we still had a good time. Here are some pictures from the game, click on the pictures to enlarge them...

Tickets to the game!

These guys are Burkina Faso Stallions fans.

Posted via email from gambia's posterous

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