Duty Free Trade Zones in Africa, Duty Free Trade Zones in West Africa

Investing inside the Free Zones in The Gambia: Accessing the Incentives

Eligible investors shall be eligible for investment incentives which shall be accessed as follows:

  • A list of all materials required during the construction and setting-up phases of a venture shall be pre-determined and approve upon the issue of a licence. This shall be sent to the Customs and Excise Department with instructions to waive customs entry duties and taxes upon the presentation of customs entry forms by licence holders accompanied by invoices, original bills of lading and packing lists;
  • Similar notification shall be sent to the Income Tax authorities to exempt such taxes at the time of assessment;
  • Goods ordered by Zone Enterprises shall be granted temporary admission by The Customs authorities on arrival to enable such imports to circulate freely within the Free Zones, and shall be eventually exonerated from the levy of customs duties and taxes upon the presentation of evidence that such goods have been exported to foreign markets. The modus operandi of the movement of goods in and out of the Free Zones and the rules governing the conduct of business within the Zones have been established by GIPFZA and contained in the "The Free Zones Regulation 2001".

Posted via email from gambia's posterous

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